SuperDoc is an invitation-only application currently on its Beta version. If you and your organization are using SuperDoc, it’s because you’re one of the few to have received the invitation to try it. This means things change very fast while an application is Beta.
Here is a list of the existing type of users:
- Super Admin
This is the Organization’s Primary Point of Contact (PPOC). This user approves and its responsible for everything that happens in the organization’s SuperDoc account, including:
- Giving access to other Users
- Actions that all users take within the application
- Removing user access
- Training material displayed in the application
- Training material erased from the application
- Content Manager
This is the user that can create, edit, and delete all the training material in SuperDoc. An organization can have multiple Content Managers. All the content displayed in your Organization’s SuperDoc is created by this type of user. Approval of all content is your Organization’s responsibility.
- End User
This is the user that only gets view access to your training material. They can only gain access to your Organization’s SuperDoc upon approval of the Super Admin.
- Authorized Users
All types of Users are deemed Authorized Users, and can only gain access to your Organization’s SuperDoc by registering an account using the unique URL that was provided to the Organization’s Super Admin.